Utilizing Empty Land in Schools to Become a Living Pharmacy
(1) Universitas Palembang
(2) Universitas Palembang
(3) Universitas Palembang
(4) Universitas Palembang
(5) Universitas Palembang
(6) Universitas Palembang
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Having an area of 17,540 m 2 makes SMP Negeri 55 Palembang have the potential to be made a green space in an effort to fulfill the needs of educational community services. The presence of a living pharmacy aims to utilize empty land at schools and herbal plants around the school. Aside from being a medicinal plant, a living pharmacy also functions as a green space that can support the student learning process and foster a sense of student responsibility. There are ten types of plants that are used as herbal plants at SMP Negeri 55 Palembang, namely ginger, lemongrass, galangal, sambiloto, turmeric, aloe vera, temulawak, lime, betel leaf, and Brotowali. These nine types of plants have their respective benefits for the treatment of disease as well as side effects that are almost non-existent in every herbal plant in a live pharmacy. Land use begins with clearing vacant land of wild plants, then the process of loosening the soil, the process of planting traditional plants, and the final evaluation of the activities or programs being carried out. Making a Living Pharmacy is a project of PPG Pre-service Batch 2 students, especially group 3, to educate students to care about the environment.
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DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i1.1134
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