Violation of Going Against the Direction Based on the Traffic Law
(1) Universitas Tarumanagara
(2) Universitas Tarumanagara
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This study aims to describe and prevent violations by going against traffic flow by motorists in several places in Indonesia. This research illustrates the lack of public awareness and understanding of driving compliance so that drivers carry out actions that violate the law and can endanger themselves and other drivers, but the majority of the public have a fairly good understanding of driving compliance. This research underlines the importance of educating the public in efforts to prevent accidents and traffic violations caused by motorcyclists going in the opposite direction. The education implemented takes the form of warnings to several violators in various places where violations often occur against the direction. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the causes of going against the flow of traffic are the habit of wanting to get to your destination quickly, the influence of other drivers who are at fault, and the intention to violate traffic, and a lack of knowledge and education in driving. This results in drivers endangering themselves as well as other road users and causing traffic jams. Apart from that, drivers will comply with driving if only police officers are present. Of course, fines against violators going against the direction are not yet effective. In fact, when someone wants to drive a motorbike or car, they must pass a test first to get a driving license (SIM) so that the driver is obedient and orderly to the restrictions on the road.
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DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i1.1514
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