Employment Contracts in the Transformation of Employment Law: Analysis of the Shift of Employment Contracts Through Public Law

Rianza Naufalfalah Ilham(1), Akmal Risqi Yudhianto Pratama(2),

(1) Universitas Tarumanagara
(2) Universitas Tarumanagara
Corresponding Author


This research analyzes the transformation of employment contract law in Indonesia, focusing on the shift from the private dimension to integration with public law. The research methods used involve analysis of legal documents, literature studies, and an in-depth understanding of changes in labor regulations. The approach taken in this research is normative, exploring legal developments and their impact on employment relations. A normative approach is used to outline the philosophy behind Article 102 (2) and (3) of Law no. 13 of 2003. The research tries to combine the understanding of law, the concept of justice, and the moral values that underlie this transformation. In addition, literature selection and analysis of legal documents form the basis of this approach to discuss the role of the state in creating stronger regulations and involving relevant parties in building sustainable working relationships.


Employment Law, Integration, Transformation, Employment Agreements


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DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i1.1701


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