The Effect of Self-Assessment on the Eleventh Grade Students’ Writing Skill at SMAN 19 Kabupaten Tangerang

Iin Novia Sari(1), Mardiah Mardiah(2),

(1) Primagraha University
(2) Primagraha University
Corresponding Author


Writing skill as one of skill which has to be mastered by students. The students will be easier and interested in writing process. One of the method to make students interest in writing skill is self-assessment. The researcher conducted the research at SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang and took the sample from XI IPS 2 as experiment class and XI IPS 3 as control class. The objective of the research is to know whether using self-assessment differs students’ achievement in writing skill between students who are taught by using self-assessment and students who are not taught by self-assessment at the eleventh grade students of SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang. The total number of sample used in one class consists of 40 students. The method applied in this research was quasi-experimental research. The design used in this method was non-equivalent control group design. It means that there were two classes which were taught by using two different methods. The experimental class was taught by self-assessment while control class was not taught by using self-assessment. There are pre-test, treatment and post- test conducted in this research. In the pre-test the researcher gave test on both classes with the same instrument. In the treatment the researcher taught the students in experiment class using  self-assessment while in the control class the researcher didn’t taught the students using self-assessment, she used conventional method in teaching. In the post test the researcher gave the test again to know the achievement of writing skill in both classes. Normality test results using chi square. It was obtained that all the data were normally distributed. From the calculation data result, it was obtained post-test data that mean score of the experiment class was 76.25 while the control class was 66.3 and the standard deviation score of experiment class was (6,45)2 = 9.87 while the standard deviation score of control class was (8,36)2 = 12.83 The t-test of post-test in significant level of 5% (α = 0,05) showed that t count = 3.8876 > t table = 1,9908, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. it means that there is any significant difference of student’s writing skill between students in experiment class who were taught by self-assessment and the students in control class who were taught by using conventional method at SMAN 19 Kab. Tangerang.


Writing Skill, Self-Assessment, Quantitative Research


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Abstract View : 28 times

DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i2.3761


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