Profile of the Female Mobile Brigade in Pekanbaru City

Sekar Asmara Dhewanty(1), Achmad Hidir(2),

(1) Universitas Riau
(2) Universitas Riau
Corresponding Author


Policewomen are not only on duty in the general section, but some are part of the special forces in the Police Mobile Brigade Unit. In this study, researchers will focus more on discussing the Women's Mobile Brigade in Pekanbaru City by taking the subject of female members of the Riau Police Mobile Brigade Unit. The purpose and objective of this research is to find out how the profile of the Mobile Brigade of the Mobile Brigade of the Riau Police Mobile Brigade Unit in the context of action theory uses a descriptive qualitative method. The location of the research was carried out at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters of the Riau Police. There were 4 people who became informants in this study according to predetermined criteria (purposive sampling). Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The conclusion from this research is that the Polwan of the Riau Brimobda Unit are divided into different work units, so they have different goals according to their respective divisions. Polwan Brimob as the perpetrators of the action has many ways to achieve its goals. The first way is that they have to take the Polwan test, undergo initial non-commissioned officer education, then take part in Bina Tradition activities. Officially becoming Brimob, the policewomen have other ways that are adjusted to their position in the Riau Mobile Brigade Work Unit. There is special treatment for Polwan Brimob because they face conditions that come from their biology, namely as a woman. Within the Riau Police Mobile Brigade Unit, where the majority are male, Polwan Brimob continue to position themselves as women in speech and behavior. Polwan can adapt to the environment of the Riau Mobile Brigade Unit, this creates a different work experience for every woman who works as a Mobile Brigade special force.


Profile, Car Brigade


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DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v2i2.946


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