What is Independent From the Independent Campus ?
(1) Jenderal Achmad Yani University Yogyakarta
(2) University of Melbourne
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In the face of changing times and the advancement of an advanced technology that is developing rapidly, therefore a student must be prepared for the needs of the times. Universities are required to be able to design innovative learning methods so that they can produce optimal, superior and competitive generations of students with the skills and knowledge gained both on campus and off campus. The method used is non-research, sourced from the internet, books, and journals to obtain a factual information so that it can be quoted and analyzed about the independent learning campus in the current era. The purpose of the independent learning campus is to give students the opportunity to study outside the study program for three semesters so that when they graduate students have good experience and skills so that they can be relevant to the times to come. now or in the future. An independent campus is a policy that exists within the university for students to be free to choose the field they want without any pressure from a party and support for students to work according to what they like, so that make a graduate student who has the competence of experience and knowledge that is superior to the needs of an era now or in the future that they will face.
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DOI: 10.57235/jpa.v1i1.4
DOI (PDF (Page 14-16)): https://doi.org/10.57235/jpa.v1i1.4.g4
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