Legal Aspects of Using AI Chatbots in Business Support Services by PT Matahari Department Store
(1) Universitas Bandar Lampung
(2) Universitas Bandar Lampung
(3) Universitas Bandar Lampung
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The current era of digitalization has brought innovation in various sectors, including business services. One innovation that is increasingly developing is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots as a customer support tool. PT. Matahari Department Store, as a leading retail company in Indonesia, has also adopted this technology to improve its business support services. However, the impact of legal aspects related to the use of AI chatbots still requires in-depth study. This research aims to comprehensively analyze the legal aspects related to the use of AI Chatbots in business support services by PT. Matahari Department Store. The main focus of the research includes aspects of data security, consumer privacy, and compliance with retail business regulations that apply in Indonesia. This research uses a normative juridical approach with analytical descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out through literature studies, in-depth interviews with related parties at PT. Matahari Department Store, and a review of relevant legal regulations. Data analysis was carried out comparatively to identify comparisons between company practices and applicable legal provisions. This research produces an in-depth understanding of the legal aspects of using AI Chatbots by PT. Matahari Department Store. The results of the analysis include data security policies, implementation of consumer privacy, and compliance with retail business regulations in Indonesia. The research also highlights the challenges and opportunities companies face in managing these legal aspects. In the context of the use of AI Chatbots by PT. Matahari Department Store, data security and consumer privacy policies need to be strengthened. A deep understanding of retail business regulations is the key to ensuring company compliance with applicable laws. Recommendations are prepared for the development of internal policies to ensure compliance and optimal use of this technology in supporting the company's business legally. It is hoped that this research will make a significant contribution to understanding the legal aspects of using AI chatbots in the context of retail business in Indonesia. In the context of this research, the author conveys several suggestions which are expected to make a positive contribution to the development of the use of AI Chatbots by PT. Matahari Department Store in business support services, by paying attention to legal aspects by Strengthening Consumer Data Security and Privacy Policies It is necessary to improve data security policies to ensure that customer information collected by AI Chatbots remains protected. PT. Matahari Department Store should continue to update and monitor consumer privacy policies in accordance with developments in relevant legal regulations. Strengthening Compliance with PT Retail Business Regulations. Matahari Department Store should increase monitoring and evaluation of the company's compliance with retail business regulations that apply in Indonesia. This strengthening can be done through regular internal audits to ensure that company policies and practices are always in line with applicable legal provisions. By implementing these suggestions, it is hoped that PT. Matahari Department Store can maximize the benefits of using AI Chatbots in legal business support services and mitigate potential risks that may arise.
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DOI: 10.57235/qistina.v3i1.2117
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