Juridical Analysis of Providing Legal Assistance to Suspects in the Barelang City Police Investigation Process in Batam City
(1) Universitas Batam
(2) Universitas Batam
(3) Universitas Batam
(4) Universitas Batam
Corresponding Author
The implementation of the provision of legal assistance in the investigation process for suspects who have experienced criminal cases at the Police has not been optimal, due to the lack of coordination between the Police as investigators and the advocacy (Legal Aid Institute), in implementing the provisions for protecting the rights of suspects. This research aims to find out how the provision of legal assistance to suspects in the investigation process at the police is implemented. How to implement the provision of legal assistance to suspects in the investigation process at the Criminal and Investigation Unit of the Barelang City Police. What are the obstacle factors and solutions in providing legal assistance to suspects in the investigation process? at the Barelang City Police Criminal and Investigation Unit. This research uses a normative juridical research method that is descriptive analysis, namely research carried out by examining library materials (secondary data) or library legal research. To obtain primary data, field research was carried out in the form of interviews. The obstacles faced by legal aid institutions in providing legal aid to suspects are: Lack of communication between legal aid providers and investigators,The attitude of investigators which is sometimes closed due to the view that a legal aid provider will hinder the investigation process, The existence of legal interpretation. differences between Legal Aid Institute Advocacy and Investigators regarding conclusions and investigations. Solutions related to the obstacles faced by Legal Aid Institutions in Providing Legal Aid to suspects are: The government needs to pay special attention to the implementation of legal aid in accordance with Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid, Increase coordination between the Police and Legal Aid Institutions relating to the availability of legal aid providers for victims and perpetrators of criminal acts who are poor (poor), Collaborating between the Police as investigators and the Legal Aid Institute in socializing or providing legal education regarding legal aid to the community.
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DOI: 10.57235/aurelia.v3i1.1416
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