Establishment of Healthy Tolam Community (KOTOS): Community Empowerment Strategy in Improving Environmental Health Quality in Kuala Tolam Village

Otang Kurniaman(1), Salsabila Izzati(2), Nur Huda Ananda(3), Isma Ardiansyah(4), Bunga Afrilia(5), Ego Prayogo(6), Juliani Juliani(7), Gunawan Gunawan(8), Ade Rizwan Firmansyah(9), Fina Nelvani(10), Mimi Oktafira(11), Indah Kurnia(12), Jenita Andini(13), Sri Wahyuni Karunia Ningsih(14),

(1) Universitas Riau
(2) Universitas Riau
(3) Universitas Riau
(4) Universitas Riau
(5) Universitas Riau
(6) Universitas Riau
(7) Universitas Riau
(8) Universitas Riau
(9) Universitas Riau
(10) Universitas Riau
(11) Universitas Riau
(12) Universitas Riau
(13) Universitas Riau
(14) Universitas Riau
Corresponding Author


The establishment of Komunitas Tolam Sehat (KOTOS) in Kuala Tolam Village is a community empowerment initiative that aims to improve health and environmental quality through a participatory approach. This article explores the process of community formation, the strategies used in community empowerment, as well as its impact on the health and environment of the village. Through a participatory approach, the community successfully engaged various elements of the community, including the village government, community leaders, and local residents, in designing and implementing health and environmental programs. The results show that this approach not only increases community awareness about the importance of health and environmental hygiene, but also strengthens social solidarity and community capacity to manage health issues independently and sustainably. This article highlights the importance of community empowerment in creating sustainable positive change at the local level.


Healthy Tolam Community, Community Empowerment, Environmental Health, Kuala Tolam Village


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DOI: 10.57235/motekar.v2i2.3777


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Copyright (c) 2024 Otang Kurniaman, Salsabila Izzati, Nur Huda Ananda, Isma Ardiansyah, Bunga Afrilia, Ego Prayogo, Juliani Juliani, Gunawan Gunawan, Ade Rizwan Firmansyah, Fina Nelvani, Mimi Oktafira, Indah Kurnia, Jenita Andini, Sri Wahyuni Karunia Ningsih

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