Comparison of the Concept of Children's Education from the Perspectives of Nasih Al-Ulwan and Ibnu Sina

Yupita Safitri(1), Eva Dewi(2),

(1) UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
(2) UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
Corresponding Author


This research is to investigate the concept of children's education. And the main objective is how we can find out about the concept of children's education according to Nasih Al-Ulwan's perspective. And the comparison with the concept of children's education according to Ibn Sina's perspective. In this research, this research also discusses the meaning of children and several things that are explored in depth regarding the comparison of the two perspectives. The research method used is a qualitative research method which is based on data as well as books and trusted sources related to opinions about the concept of children's education. Abdullah Nasih Al-Ulwan's views regarding children's education in the book Tarbiyatul Aulad Fii Islam, he says that every child has a different character as well as intelligence, abilities and emotions. He also believes that every child is born in a pure state (fitrah). A child's education depends on how the parents direct or educate the child's growth and development. And as parents or educators, we must be able to recognize the child's mentality and what tendencies the child has towards studies or skills so that by knowing this we can educate according to his talents.


Comparison, Concept of Children's Education, Nasih Al-Ulwan and Ibnu Sina


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DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v3i2.2674


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