Analysis of Teacher Readiness in Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum

Cherly Afriani(1), Gimin Gimin(2), Hendripides Hendripides(3),

(1) Universitas Riau
(2) Universitas Riau
(3) Universitas Riau
Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine (1) the readiness of teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum. (2) the obstacles faced by teachers in implementing the independent learning curriculum. The background of this research is 21st century learning which requires teachers to be able to apply students' creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, problem solving, communication skills, social skills and character skills. However, teachers are not ready to apply the independent curriculum. The method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method. The data source for this study was primary data obtained from questionnaires to all teachers at SMPIT Al-Andalus Pekanbaru and SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru with a total of 64 teachers. Data collection techniques used are documentation and questionnaires. The results showed that overall teacher readiness at SMPIT Al-Andalus Pekanbaru and SMP Negeri 8 Pekanbaru were quite ready to implement the Merdeka curriculum. In using learning facilities and infrastructure, teachers need to learn new things.


Teacher Readiness, Free Learning Curriculum


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DOI: 10.57235/jetish.v2i2.780


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Copyright (c) 2023 Cherly Afriani, Gimin Gimin, Hendripides Hendripides

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