The Learning Process of Gending Sriwijaya Dance in Class X MAN 1 Prabumulih

Nadila Sangon Tiponah(1), Dessy Wardiah(2), Nurdin Nurdin(3),

(1) PGRI Palembang University
(2) PGRI Palembang University
(3) PGRI Palembang University
Corresponding Author


The STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) model means the student achievement division, STAD is the student team achievement that stimulates student collaboration through learning in groups whose members are diverse to master the skills being studied. This dance learning process focuses on the various movements of the Sriwijaya Gending Dance at MAN 1 Prabumulih. The purpose of this study was to determine how the process of learning dance in the school. The research method used by the researcher is a qualitative descriptive method to obtain data from observations, interviews, and documentation regarding "Learning Process of Gending Sriwijaya Dance in Class X MAN 1 Prabumulih". This study obtained good results in Class X IPS 2 in carrying out the learning process guided by art and culture teachers in Class X IPS 2.


Learning Process, Sriwijaya Gending Dance, STAD Model


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DOI: 10.57235/jpa.v1i2.94


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Copyright (c) 2022 Nadila Sangon Tiponah, Dessy Wardiah, Nurdin Nurdin

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